=================== VaultConfigProvider =================== .. code-block:: text com.github.jcustenborder.kafka.config.vault.VaultConfigProvider This config provider is used to retrieve configuration settings from a Hashicorp vault instance. Config providers are generic and can be used in any application that utilized the Kafka AbstractConfig class. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Examples: :glob: examples/VaultConfigProvider.* ------------- Configuration ------------- ^^^^^^^ General ^^^^^^^ """"""""""""" vault.address """"""""""""" Sets the address (URL) of the Vault server instance to which API calls should be sent. If no address is explicitly set, the object will look to the `VAULT_ADDR` If you do not supply it explicitly AND no environment variable value is found, then initialization may fail. **Importance:** HIGH **Type:** STRING """""""""""""" vault.login.by """""""""""""" The login method to use. `Token` - Authentication via the `token `_. endpoint. **Importance:** HIGH **Type:** STRING **Default Value:** Token """""""""""""""""""""""" vault.ssl.verify.enabled """""""""""""""""""""""" Flag to determine if the configProvider should verify the SSL Certificate of the Vault server. Outside of development this should never be enabled. **Importance:** HIGH **Type:** BOOLEAN **Default Value:** true """"""""""" vault.token """"""""""" Sets the token used to access Vault. If no token is explicitly set then the `VAULT_TOKEN` environment variable will be used. **Importance:** HIGH **Type:** PASSWORD **Default Value:** [hidden] """"""""""""""""" vault.max.retries """"""""""""""""" The number of times that API operations will be retried when a failure occurs. **Importance:** LOW **Type:** INT **Default Value:** 5 """"""""""""""" vault.namespace """"""""""""""" Sets a global namespace to the Vault server instance, if desired. **Importance:** LOW **Type:** STRING """""""""""" vault.prefix """""""""""" Sets a prefix that will be added to all paths. For example you can use `staging` or `production` and all of the calls to vault will be prefixed with that path. This allows the same configuration settings to be used across multiple environments. **Importance:** LOW **Type:** STRING """"""""""""""""""""""" vault.retry.interval.ms """"""""""""""""""""""" The number of milliseconds that the driver will wait in between retries. **Importance:** LOW **Type:** INT **Default Value:** 2000 """"""""""""""""""""""""""" vault.secret.minimum.ttl.ms """"""""""""""""""""""""""" The minimum amount of time that a secret should be used. If a secret does not have a TTL associated with it, this setting allows you to override how often the config provider will check for updated secrets. **Importance:** LOW **Type:** LONG **Default Value:** 1000 **Validator:** [1000,...]