============= Standard Solr ============= .. code-block:: text com.github.jcustenborder.kafka.connect.solr.HttpSolrSinkConnector This connector is used to connect to write directly to a Solr core. .. TIP:: The target collection for this connector is selected by the topic name. `Transformations `_ like the RegexRouter transformation can be used to change the topic name before it is sent to Solr. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Examples: :glob: examples/HttpSolrSinkConnector.* ------------- Configuration ------------- ^^^^^^^^^^ Connection ^^^^^^^^^^ """""""" solr.url """""""" Url to connect to solr with. **Importance:** HIGH **Type:** STRING """"""""""""""""""""""" solr.connect.timeout.ms """"""""""""""""""""""" Set the connect timeout to the solr in ms. **Importance:** LOW **Type:** INT **Default Value:** 15000 """""""""""""""""""""" solr.socket.timeout.ms """""""""""""""""""""" Set the solr read timeout on all sockets in ms. **Importance:** LOW **Type:** INT **Default Value:** 120000 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Authentication ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ """"""""""""" solr.password """"""""""""" The password to use for basic authentication. **Importance:** HIGH **Type:** PASSWORD **Default Value:** [hidden] """"""""""""" solr.username """"""""""""" The username to use for basic authentication. **Importance:** HIGH **Type:** STRING ^^^^^^^^ Indexing ^^^^^^^^ """"""""""""""" solr.queue.size """"""""""""""" The number of documents to batch together before sending to Solr. See `ConcurrentUpdateSolrClient.Builder.withQueueSize(int) `_ **Importance:** HIGH **Type:** INT **Default Value:** 100 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" solr.delete.documents.enabled """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" Flag to determine if the connector should delete documents. General practice in Kafka is to treat a record that contains a key with a null value as a delete. **Importance:** MEDIUM **Type:** BOOLEAN **Default Value:** true """"""""""""""""" solr.thread.count """"""""""""""""" The number of threads used to empty ConcurrentUpdateSolrClients queue. See `ConcurrentUpdateSolrClient.Builder.withThreadCount(int) `_ **Importance:** MEDIUM **Type:** INT **Default Value:** 1 """""""""""""""""" solr.commit.within """""""""""""""""" Configures Solr UpdaterRequest for a commit within the requested number of milliseconds. -1 disables the commit within setting and relies on the standard Solr commit setting. **Importance:** LOW **Type:** INT **Default Value:** -1