CSV with schema

This example will read csv files and write them to Kafka parsing them to the schema specified in key.schema and value.schema.


The data for the following example is formatted as such.

id,first_name,last_name,email,gender,ip_address,last_login,account_balance,country,favorite_color 1,Jack,Garcia,jgarcia0@shop-pro.jp,Male,,2015-09-30T15:29:03Z,347.77,IT,#4a2313

  "connector.class" : "com.github.jcustenborder.kafka.connect.spooldir.SpoolDirCsvSourceConnector",
  "finished.path" : "/tmp",
  "input.path" : "/tmp",
  "error.path" : "/tmp",
  "input.file.pattern" : "^users\\d+\\.csv",
  "topic" : "users",
  "key.schema" : "{\n  \"name\" : \"com.example.users.UserKey\",\n  \"type\" : \"STRUCT\",\n  \"isOptional\" : false,\n  \"fieldSchemas\" : {\n    \"id\" : {\n      \"type\" : \"INT64\",\n      \"isOptional\" : false\n    }\n  }\n}\n",
  "value.schema" : "{\n  \"name\" : \"com.example.users.User\",\n  \"type\" : \"STRUCT\",\n  \"isOptional\" : false,\n  \"fieldSchemas\" : {\n    \"id\" : {\n      \"type\" : \"INT64\",\n      \"isOptional\" : false\n    },\n    \"first_name\" : {\n      \"type\" : \"STRING\",\n      \"isOptional\" : true\n    },\n    \"last_name\" : {\n      \"type\" : \"STRING\",\n      \"isOptional\" : true\n    },\n    \"email\" : {\n      \"type\" : \"STRING\",\n      \"isOptional\" : true\n    },\n    \"gender\" : {\n      \"type\" : \"STRING\",\n      \"isOptional\" : true\n    },\n    \"ip_address\" : {\n      \"type\" : \"STRING\",\n      \"isOptional\" : true\n    },\n    \"last_login\" : {\n      \"name\" : \"org.apache.kafka.connect.data.Timestamp\",\n      \"type\" : \"INT64\",\n      \"version\" : 1,\n      \"isOptional\" : false\n    },\n    \"account_balance\" : {\n      \"name\" : \"org.apache.kafka.connect.data.Decimal\",\n      \"type\" : \"BYTES\",\n      \"version\" : 1,\n      \"parameters\" : {\n        \"scale\" : \"2\"\n      },\n      \"isOptional\" : true\n    },\n    \"country\" : {\n      \"type\" : \"STRING\",\n      \"isOptional\" : true\n    },\n    \"favorite_color\" : {\n      \"type\" : \"STRING\",\n      \"isOptional\" : true\n    }\n  }\n}\n"